Wes & Troy Commentary on Chris Hodapp Address

Wes & Troy Commentary on Chris Hodapp Address

You can find us online at mystictye.com

Email me feedback, guest suggestions and any other questions at troy@mystictye.com

This special edition of Mystic Tye Wes Regan and I try something new. We listened to the recent address by Chris Hodapp at Grand Masonic Day 2024 and stopped occasionally to provide some of our own commentary. This is our first attempt at something like this, and we both really enjoyed it. I hope you will too!

Here are some references from our chat:



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We are looking to create a directory of Freemasonic events and publications. If you are aware of something coming up please let me know by email.

August 3rd I will be attending an outdoor Master Mason degree in Granite Falls with a few other members of the Duke of Connaught and many members of the GLBCY, GLW, and other visiting dignitaries. If you are a brother and want to join us please email me.

Coming up September 27-29th in Seattle Washington is Esotericism in Freemasonry Conference

Our keynote will be none other than Ike Baker of Arcanvm podcast. Dr. Nathan Schick, Br. Doug Blake, Br. Jaime Paul Lamb, Br. Doug Russel, Br. P.D. Newman and others will be speaking. Check out www.esotericmasonry.com for details.

Grand Masonic Day 2025 will be February 2nd. Listen to future episodes for updates.

For other events check out our calendar at mystictye.com and don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter while you are there.

Graphics and web hosting are by Art Szabo Creative. A special thanks to Moka Only for our theme music.

Happy to meet, sorry to part, happy to meet again.

Wes Regan, Chris Hodapp
July 28, 2024

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